Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS)

2150 6223


The Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS) provides loans to eligible students to settle tuition fees of specific post-secondary/continuing and professional education courses studied in Hong Kong.

Links, Forms and Download

Online Application

SFO E-Link – My Application

SFO E-Link - Early Partial / Lump Sum Repayment Request

Main application documents
Document Number Document Name Paper-base Application
Guidance Notes
Paper-base Application
Supplementary Guidelines notes (Applicable to HKMU applicants only)
ENLS 202 (AUT2024)
Autumn Term
Paper-base Application
ENLS 202 (SUM2024)
Summer Term
Paper-base Application
Notes for Applicants (Applicable to full-time Diploma of Applied Education / Diploma Yi Jin applicants only)
Paper-base Application
Notes on Paying Administrative Fees
Paper-base Application
ENLS 142(2023)
Undertaking (Only A4 white paper printing is accepted)
Paper-base Application
ENLS 143(2023)
Deed of Indemnity (Only A4 white paper printing is accepted)
Paper-base Application
Checklist for Submission
Paper-base Application
Reply Slip of Indemnifier Statement (applicable to applicant is an undischarged bankrupt / debtor of an ‘individual voluntary arrangement’)
Paper-base Application
Amendment Procedures / Withdrawal of Application form
Document Number Document Name Paper-base Application Electronic Application
ENLS 124 Notification of Change of Applicant's Personal Particulars Paper-base Application Electronic Application
ENLS/IDM/INFO/E Notification of Change of Indemnifier's Personal Particulars Paper-base Application Electronic Application
ENLS 146(2023) Application for Change of Particulars / Cancellation of Approved Loan(s) Paper-base Application Electronic Application
- Request to withdraw the Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS) application Paper-base Application -
Forms for Loan Cheque(s)
Document Number Document Name Paper-base Application Electronic Application
ENLS 222(2023) Cancellation of issued loan cheques [ENLS 222(2023)] Paper-base Application Electronic Application
- Authorisation Form (for cheque(s) collection) Paper-base Application -
Loan Repayment
Document Number Document Name Paper-base Application Electronic Application

Application for deferment of loan repayment

a. All loan account(s) under application without overdue instalment or with one overdue quarterly instalment / five or less consecutive overdue monthly instalments

SFO 102E(Rev. 2023)
(For financial hardship/illness)
Paper-base Application Electronic Application
SFO 101E(Rev. 2023)
(For full-time study)
Paper-base Application Electronic Application

b. Others
SFO 102E_dfa (Rev. 2017.02)
(For financial hardship/illness)
Paper-base Application Electronic Application
SFO 101E_dfa (Rev. 2017.02)
(For full-time studies)
Paper-base Application Electronic Application
SFO 186E 2. Early Partial / Lump Sum Repayment of Loan under Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (NLS) Paper-base Application Electronic Application
SFO 279E 3. Restructuring Repayment Period of Loan under Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (NLS) Paper-base Application -
SFO 96 4. Student Loan Repayment Notification of Change of Correspondence Address and / or Telephone Number(s) Paper-base Application Electronic Application
SFO 311 5. Reply form for choosing not to defer loan repayment - Electronic Application
SFO 302E 6. Notification of Change of Study Status (Only applicable to student loan borrower whose loan(s) has been paid) Paper-base Application Electronic Application
Form for SFO E-Link – My Applications
Document Number Document Name Paper-base Application Electronic Application
- Reactivation code/Delink Request Form Paper-base Application -
Reference information
Document Number Document Name
SFO/PFM 1E (Rev. 12/2023) ‘Borrow wisely and manage your finances prudently’ Leaflet ‘Borrow wisely and manage your finances prudently’ Leaflet
SFO/PFM 2E (Rev. 12/2023) ‘Default on your loan. A legal plight you own’ Leaflet ‘Default on your loan. A legal plight you own’ Leaflet
SFO/PFM 3E (Rev. 12/2023) ‘Learn to manage money before it manages you’ Leaflet ‘Learn to manage money before it manages you’ Leaflet
SFO/PFM 4E (Rev. 12/2023) ‘Don't evade loan obligation. Face consequences with resolution’ Leaflet ‘Don't evade loan obligation. Face consequences with resolution’ Leaflet