Continuing Education Fund (CEF)

3142 2277


The Continuing Education Fund (CEF) subsidises adults aged 18 or above to pursue continuing education and training. Eligible applicants may submit unlimited number of claims for reimbursement of fees up to a maximum sum of HK$25,000 within one year upon successful completion of CEF reimbursable courses.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the eligibility criteria?

Persons who meet the following criteria can apply for CEF:

  • Hong Kong residents who have the right of abode or the right to land or to remain in Hong Kong without restriction, i.e. “A” (right of abode), “R” (right to land) or “U” (remain in Hong Kong without restriction) should appear below the date of birth on the HK Smart Identity Card, or holders of one-way permit from Mainland China;
  • Aged 18 or above at the time when the CEF reimbursable course commenced. The application for fee reimbursement for course(s) which commenced during the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 July 2022 must be submitted within one year upon the successful completion of the course(s) and before reaching the age of 71. Late applications will not be accepted;
  • Have enrolled in and paid the tuition fee for the CEF reimbursable course; and
    [Remarks : All CEF course providers are required to collect the tuition fees of CEF courses on an equal monthly instalments basis except those which have been granted exemption by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare. For the list of the exempted courses, please refer to "Reimbursable Course List" in the website of the Office of the Continuing Education Fund (OCEF).]
  • Have not obtained any other public funds or assistance under any other publicly-funded financial assistance schemes for the same course.
Are there any age restrictions?

Persons who are aged 18 or above at the time when the CEF reimbursable course commenced. For those enrolled CEF reimbursable courses commenced from 1 April 2019 to 31 July 2022, their applications for fee reimbursement should also be submitted before reaching the age of 71. Late applications will not be accepted.

Can applicants who have obtained financial assistance from other organisations apply for CEF?

In respect of any courses, modules or units of study credits for which the fees are to be reimbursed, the applicant must not have obtained any other public funds or assistance under any other publicly-funded financial assistance schemes for the same course, such as pursuing courses funded by the University Grants Committee, grants or loans from the "Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students" administered by the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA), subsidy from the “Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme for Self-financing Undergraduate Studies in Hong Kong” or “Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions / Sectors”, etc.

If an eligible applicant obtained loans from the “Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme” (ENLS) administered by WFSFAA to meet the payment of fees for a CEF reimbursable course, the CEF reimbursement would first be used to offset any outstanding ENLS loans borrowed by the applicant for paying the tuition fee in respect of the same course. Any remaining balance of the CEF reimbursement after offsetting the loan amount will be credited to the designated bank account of the applicant.

If an applicant has obtained financial assistance under CEF, can he / she still have tax deduction on expenses of self-education ?

Applicants can only apply for tax deduction in respect of the actual amount of self-education expenses paid (i.e. the course fee paid less fee reimbursement from CEF). For enquiries, please contact the Inland Revenue Department.

Reimbursement Procedures
How can an applicant submit Application Form [SFO 313]?

By post or over the counter (Paper-based application)

  • Applicants may submit the completed original application form with copies of the supporting documents [One-way permit (if applicable), the front page of his / her bank passbook or bank statement showing the name, account number and bank name / bank code, result of benchmark test / examination and benchmark test / examination fees receipts (if applicable)] to OCEF by post or in person.

    OCEF’s address :
    Units 07-11, 25/F., CDW Building, 388 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories
    Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays), 8:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. - 5:45pm.
  • By using the drop-in boxes at the following locations (Paper-based application)

    Location of Drop-in Box: Address
    Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon
    11/F Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, Student Finance Office
    Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays), 8:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
    Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon
    G/F lift lobby of Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices. The public can enter the building through the side entrance near the security counter.
    Opening hours: Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays (whole day)
    Office of the Continuing Education Fund Near the main entrance of the Office of the Continuing Education Fund
    Units 07-11, 25/F, CDW Building
    388 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories
    Opening hours: Mondays to Sundays, 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.

Online application through “eWFSFAA” (Electronic application)

  • Applicants may also complete and submit the online application form through “eWFSFAA”. Applicants who did not use “iAM Smart+” for digital signing in the online submission of the application form are required to print out a hard copy of the form and sign the Declaration in Part D and submit the printed form with original signature to the OCEF within one month after online submission in order to be considered as a valid application. Applicants using “iAM Smart+” for digital signing are not required to submit the printed copy of application form to the OCEF.

When should the applicants submit their Application Form [SFO 313]?
  • Applications for fee reimbursement for CEF course(s) which commenced on or after 1 August 2022 must be submitted within one year upon the successful completion of the courses*. Late applications will not be accepted.

  • Applications for fee reimbursement for CEF course(s) which commenced from 1 April 2019 to 31 July 2022 must be submitted within one year upon the successful completion of the courses* and before the applicants reaching the age of 71. Late applications will not be accepted.

* According to the course completion date or the date of the specified language benchmark test / examination (if applicable), whichever is later.
What is the definition of "successful completion" of the course?

"Successful completion" of a course means that an applicant has attended no less than 70% of the contactable hours of the course or such higher attendance requirement as prescribed for the course (whichever is higher) and attained an overall mark of either 50% or such higher percentage of assessment(s) as prescribed for the course (whichever is higher) as assessed by whichever method approved by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare (including any examination and assignment requirements with approved weighting).

Notification of Result for Reimbursement Applications
How can applicants know that the application forms submitted have been received by OCEF? If an applicant has not received any acknowledgement reply 10 working days after submitting his/her application, what should he / she do?

OCEF will acknowledge receipt of applications by means of SMS messages through applicants’ local mobile phone number. If local mobile phone number is not provided or the local mobile phone number provided by the applicants is incorrect, OCEF will not be able to issue acknowledgement to these applicants. Applicants are requested to fill in the relevant information in the application form accurately. If applicants do not receive any acknowledgement of receipt by SMS from OCEF after 10 working days from the date of submission of their applications, please contact the OCEF-

Address: Units 07-11, 25/F., CDW Building, 388 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories
Hotline: 3142 2277 (handled by the “1823”)

How long does it take before an applicant receives the result of his/her application? If an applicant has submitted his application for reimbursement with sufficient supporting documents, but has not received any payment notification / payment, what should he / she do?

In general, application results will be issued within 6 weeks (for existing CEF account holders) or 8 weeks (for applicants who submit application for the first time) from the date of receipt of the application,subject to the provision of complete supporting documents by the applicants and the result of verification of applicants’ information by the institutions / course providers. If the information provided by applicants is incomplete or with discrepancies in the information provided, applicants will be requested to explain or provide supplementary information, in which case the processing time will be longer.

In case the institutions / course providers need a longer period of time for verification of the information stated in the application form, the CEF reimbursement has to be made to offset the Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme loans, or in other exceptional circumstances, the processing time will also be longer.

If applicants do not receive any written reply from OCEF two weeks after the above-mentioned time period, please contact OCEF at 3142 2277 (handled by the "1823").

How will an applicant receive fee reimbursement under CEF? Any restrictions on the bank accounts for direct credit of reimbursement?

Reimbursement will be made by direct credit to the saving / current account nominated by the claimant for receipt of the reimbursement. The name of the bank account must be exactly the same as the name on the HK Smart ID Card. Credit card accounts, fixed deposit accounts, foreign currency accounts and loans accounts are not acceptable for direct credit of reimbursement.

Level of Financial Assistance
What is the maximum level of financial assistance under CEF? How is it calculated?

Eligible applicants may submit unlimited number of claims for reimbursement of fees on the successful completion of CEF reimbursable courses which commence on or after 1 August 2022 up to a maximum sum of HK$25,000. The co-payment ratios by learners (i.e. the percentage of fees to be borne by learners) for the first HK$10,000 subsidy is 20% of the course fee and that for the remaining HK$15,000 subsidy is 40% of the course fee.

Eligible applicants may submit unlimited number of claims for reimbursement of fees on the successful completion of CEF reimbursable courses commenced from 1 April 2019 to 31 July 2022 up to a maximum sum of HK$20,000. The co-payment ratios by learners (i.e. the percentage of fees to be borne by learners) for the first HK$10,000 subsidy is 20% of the course fee and that for the second HK$10,000 subsidy is 40% of the course fee.

For applicants who opened a CEF account before 1 August 2022, they are also eligible for claiming the additional HK$5,000 subsidy and the unused balance (if any) of the original subsidy of HK$20,000 for CEF reimbursable courses which commence on or after 1 August 2022, regardless of whether their accounts were closed in the past. Each eligible applicant is entitled to a maximum sum of HK$25,000 subsidy in respect of all CEF reimbursable courses pursued.

A “subsidy calculator” is available on the CEF website to facilitate applicants’ estimation of the amount of subsidy they are eligible for and the course fee to be borne by them.

Course Information
Are all courses reimbursable under CEF?

Only continuing education and training courses registered under CEF as “reimbursable courses” are reimbursable under CEF. A list of the reimbursable courses can be obtained from our website, or through our hotline at 3142 2277 (handled by the “1823”).

Where can an applicant get information on the reimbursable courses? How can an applicant tell if the course he / she enrols in is a reimbursable course?

OCEF updates the list of CEF reimbursable courses on a monthly basis. Information on the reimbursable courses can be obtained from the CEF website or the registered institutions / course providers. In addition, course information can be obtained by fax through our hotline 3142 2277 (handled by the “1823”).

Applicants should make reference to the course information on our website to verify the course details provided by institutions / course providers. Website and telephone enquiry number of institutions / course providers can be found on our website under "List of Course Providers"

Where can the institution codes and course codes of the reimbursable courses be obtained?

Information on the institution codes and course codes of the reimbursable courses can be obtained from OCEF and the registered institutions / course providers, and on our website. In addition, course information can be obtained by fax through hotline 3142 2277 (handled by the “1823”).

Why have certain courses been included in the CEF reimbursable course list, but not some other similar courses?

Course providers are required to submit CEF course applications to the Labour and Welfare Bureau (“LWB”) for approval before their courses can be included in the Reimbursable Course List under CEF.

Therefore, a course which has not yet been submitted to the LWB for application or the application is under processing or has been rejected will not be included in the Reimbursable Course List. Please contact the institution / course provider concerned for enquiries or visit our website to get the latest course information.

Change of Information / Amendment of Personal Data
If an applicant wishes to correct the information on his / her personal particulars he / she has provided earlier, how can he / she make the amendment?

The applicant should complete the "Notification of Change of Personal Data" [SFO 316 (2022)] and send it back to OCEF. The form can be obtained from OCEF (Units 07-11, 25/F., CDW Building, 388 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories) or downloaded from our website. In addition, it can be obtained by fax through our hotline 3142 2277 (handled by the “1823”).

If an applicant has cancelled his / her bank account previously reported to OCEF, what should he / she do?

The applicant should inform OCEF the changes in writing as soon as possible.

Benchmark Tests / Examinations
What are the additional requirements for CEF applicants studying language proficiency courses?

Applicants studying language proficiency courses are required to pass a specified language benchmark test / examination (if applicable) at the specified (or higher) level to be eligible for fee reimbursement. Benchmark tests should be taken by the applicants after the course has commenced. For CEF language proficiency courses commenced from 1 April 2019 to 31 July 2022, language benchmark tests / examinations should be taken by the applicants after the course has commenced and before the applicants reach the age of 71. Applications for fee reimbursement for CEF course(s) must be submitted within one year (Note: according to the course completion date or the date of the specified language benchmark test / examination, whichever is later) upon the successful completion of the courses. Applicants can make use of the same language benchmark test / examination to support the claims for more than one CEF language proficiency courses. However, the date of the language benchmark test / examination must fall after the course commencement date of the reimbursable course(s) used for the reimbursement claims. Information on the specified language benchmark tests / examinations and levels of the language proficiency courses can be obtained from the "Reimbursable Course List" on CEF website.

A claim for reimbursement of fees for language benchmark tests / examinations will only be accepted if it is accompanied with a claim for the relevant language proficiency course and can only be claimed once for each benchmark test / examination. Applicants must fill in the information of both the language proficiency course and the language benchmark test / examination in the Application Form [SFO 313]. Copies of documentary proof of passing the specified language benchmark test / examination and the language benchmark test / examination fee receipts should be submitted. Reimbursement of language benchmark test / examination fees alone will not be accepted.

Which benchmark test / examination should be taken by applicants?

Institutions / course providers have pegged the specified benchmark test(s) / examination(s) that the applicants should take based on the course level and content (please refer to the “Benchmark Examination” and “Remark” columns in the reimbursable course list). Applicants may enquire their institutions / course providers for the specified benchmark tests / examinations required for their language proficiency courses and other details of the tests/examinations.

Where can applicants obtain information of benchmark tests / examinations?

General information of the benchmark tests / examinations (such as the types of benchmark tests / examinations) can be obtained from our website under "Language Benchmark Tests / Examinations". Applicants should contact the institutions / course providers concerned for detailed information.

What should be submitted by an applicant to substantiate his / her claim for reimbursement of fees for language proficiency courses?

Applicants must fill in the information of both the language proficiency course and the benchmark test / examination in the Application Form [SFO 313]. Apart from submitting copies of one-way permit (if applicable) and the front page of his / her bank passbook or bank statement showing the name, account number and bank name / bank code, applicants should also submit copies of documentary proof of passing the specified benchmark test / examination and benchmark test / examination fees receipts.

Under what circumstances the benchmark test / examination fees cannot be reimbursed?

If the benchmark test / examination fees have been reimbursed under any other public funds or assistance under any other publicly-funded financial assistance schemes, or the applicant fails to provide copy(ies) of benchmark test / examination fees receipt(s), the benchmark test / examination fees will not be reimbursed under CEF.

Can applicants only claim the benchmark test / examination fees?

A claim for reimbursement of the benchmark test / examination fees will only be accepted if it is accompanied with a claim for the relevant language proficiency course.

If a claimant has already passed or attained the minimum benchmark of the specified benchmark test / examination before the commencement of the course, can he / she be exempted from taking the same test / examination again?

Under CEF, benchmark test / examination should be taken after the commencement of the course. The purpose is to ascertain that applicants who receive subsidy from CEF do attain certain level of language proficiency after taking a reimbursable course. Thus, an applicant cannot make use of the benchmark test / examination result that he / she obtained before the commencement of the course to substantiate his / her claim for reimbursement.

As benchmark tests / examinations are held at a fixed interval, applicants should check the examination dates and details of relevant benchmark tests / examinations with the examination bodies / agents concerned and plan their study schedule.

If an applicant has failed in the benchmark test / examination for a number of times, can he / she claim for reimbursement of all the test / examination fees?

No. Only the benchmark test / examination fees contributing to the passing of the specified benchmark test / examination at the specified (or higher) level can be reimbursed.

If an applicant takes more than one language courses and the courses are pegged to the same benchmark test / examination, can he / she take the test / examination once only?

CEF claimants can make use of the same benchmark examination to support the claim for more than one language proficiency courses. However, the examination date of the benchmark examination must fall after the commencement date of the reimbursable course used for claiming fee reimbursement under CEF. Other conditions under the prevailing reimbursement requirements remain unchanged.

What are the differences of the requirements and arrangements for CEF before and after the introduction of the enhancement measures?

A comparison of the requirements and arrangements for CEF before and after the introduction of the enhancement measures is tabulated as follows:

Applicable to CEF reimbursable courses commenced before 1 April 2019 Applicable to CEF reimbursable courses commenced from 1 April 2019 to 31 July 2022 Applicable to CEF reimbursable courses commenced on or after 1 August 2022
a) Subsidy Ceiling
- $10,000 per applicant - $20,000 per applicant - $25,000 per applicant
b) Co-payment Ratios by Learner
- 20% of the course fee - 20% of the course fee (applicable for the first $10,000); and
- 40% of the course fee (applicable for the second $10,000)
- 20% of the course fee (applicable for the first $10,000); and
- 40% of the course fee (applicable for the remaining $15,000)
c) Currently Closed CEF Accounts
- Nullified upon closing of individual CEF accounts - Have been re-activated
- May re-apply for the unused balance, with co-payment ratio of 20% by learner
- Will be given an additional subsidy of $10,000, with co-payment ratio of 40% by learner
- Will be given an additional subsidy of $5,000, with co-payment ratio of 40% by learner
d) Age Limit
Between 18 and 65
[Before reaching the age of 66]
Between 18 and 70
[Before reaching the age of 71]
Aged 18 or above [Without upper age limit]
e) Scope of CEF Courses
- Within the eight specified domains of CEF;
- Specification of Competency Standards-based (SCS-based) courses under the Qualifications Register (QR)
All eligible courses registered under the QR, including SCS-based courses; Specification of Generic (Foundation) Competencies-based (SGC-based) courses; and non SCS/SGC-based courses which are divided into 14 classified Areas of Study and Training
[The programmes funded by University Grants Committee and provided by Employees Retraining Board are not included.]
All eligible courses registered under the QR, including SCS-based courses; Specification of Generic (Foundation) Competencies-based (SGC-based) courses; and non SCS/SGC-based courses which are divided into 14 classified Areas of Study and Training
[The programmes funded by University Grants Committee and provided by Employees Retraining Board are not included.]
f) Validity Period, Maximum Number of Claims and Other Administrative Arrangements
Validity period of CEF accounts
- Four years since the opening of CEF accounts
- No such restriction - No such restriction
Maximum number of CEF claim submissions
- Four claims
- No limit - No limit
Application procedures
- To submit the application for opening an account before commencement of the applicant’s first CEF course
- To submit application for opening an account together with application for the first reimbursement claim after the successful completion of the applicant’s first CEF course
- Applicants are required to submit their reimbursement claims within one year upon successful completion of a CEF course and before reaching the ageof 71
- To submit application for opening an account together with application for the first reimbursement claim after the successful completion of the applicant’s first CEF course
- Applicants are required to submit their reimbursement claims within one year upon successful completion of a CEF course
g) Quality Assurance of CEF Courses and Safeguards to Better Protect Applicants
QR registration of CEF courses
- No such requirement before May 2008
- Since May 2008, all new CEF courses must be registered under the QR
- All new CEF courses must be registered under the QR
- CEF courses registered before May 2008 are required to be registered under the QR within a transitional period of four years
- All new CEF courses must be registered under the QR
- CEF courses registered before May 2008 are required to be registered under the QR within a transitional period of four years
Validity period of CEF course registration
- For courses which have a validity period of QR registration, the validity period of the CEF registration will expire on the end date of their QR validity period
- For other CEF courses, no expiry date of the CEF registration
- Every CEF course will have a validity period of four years, or until the expiry of their respective QR registration, whichever is the shorter
- A more robust documentation checking system for the renewal procedures
- Every CEF course will have a validity period of four years, or until the expiry of their respective QR registration, whichever is the shorter
- A more robust documentation checking system for the renewal procedures
Deterrence of non-compliance with CEF terms and conditions
- Issue of warning letters upon infringement of terms and conditions
- For severe non-compliance, cancellation of course registration or referral to law enforcement agencies for formal investigation
- In addition to the existing sanctions, set up a performance monitoring list which records course providers that have repeated/ serious contraventions of terms and conditions, and publicise the list on CEF’s website - In addition to the existing sanctions, set up a performance monitoring list which records course providers that have repeated/ serious contraventions of terms and conditions, and publicise the list on CEF’s website