Continuing Education Fund (CEF)

3142 2277


The Continuing Education Fund (CEF) subsidises adults aged 18 or above to pursue continuing education and training. Eligible applicants may submit unlimited number of claims for reimbursement of fees up to a maximum sum of HK$25,000 within one year upon successful completion of CEF reimbursable courses.

Scheme Characteristics

Eligibility Criteria (Applicable to courses commenced on or after 1 August 2022)
Eligibility Criteria (Applicable to courses commenced on or after 1 August 2022)

Persons who are aged 18 or above at the time when the CEF reimbursable course commences; and meet the relevant residential requirements.

Validity of the registration of CEF courses
Validity of the registration of CEF courses

Learners should consider their own situations and needs when selecting courses and check the validity of the registration of CEF courses and other details through "Course Search Engine" before enrolment.


The applicant can submit online application form and the required documents anytime and anywhere through “eWFSFAA” to save time and hassle.

Attendance Requirement
Attendance Requirement

The applicant must have attended no less than 70% of the contactable hours of the CEF reimbursable course or such higher attendance requirement as prescribed for the CEF reimbursable course (whichever is higher).

Assessment Requirement
Assessment Requirement

The applicant must have attained an overall mark of either 50% or such higher percentage of assessment(s) as prescribed for the CEF reimbursable course (whichever is higher). Applicants studying language proficiency course should also pass a specified language benchmark test / examination (if applicable) at the specified or higher level.

Co-payment Ratios by Learners (Applicable to courses commenced on or after 1 August 2022)
Co-payment Ratios by Learners (Applicable to courses commenced on or after 1 August 2022)

The co-payment ratios by learners (i.e. the percentage of fees to be borne by learners) for the first HK$10,000 subsidy is 20% of the course fee and that for the remaining HK$15,000 subsidy is 40% of the course fee.

Level of Reimbursement
Level of Reimbursement

Non-means-tested. The maximum entitlement for each applicant is HK$25,000.

WFA Scheme
Application online is easier and save time
Application online is easier and save time