Education Scholarships Fund

History and Aim
  • The Education Scholarships Fund (ESF) is a statutory trust fund established in 1955 under the Education Scholarships Fund Ordinance, Chapter 1085 of the Laws of Hong Kong, which is vested in Permanent Secretary for Education as the sole trustee and provides for the administration and management of donations placed under the Fund in accordance with the terms expressed by the donors. The Student Finance Office provides secretarial support to the Fund and the Director of Accounting Services / his representative serves as the Treasurer.

Nominations of Awards
  • Awards from the Fund are normally distributed to awardees on the recommendations of the heads of primary and secondary schools, the Education University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in compliance with the respective conditions of awards of the scholarships as laid down by the donors. The Committee will consider the nominations and the conditions of awards before approving the granting of awards to individual students.

Membership of the ESF Committee
Chairperson: Ms Susanna WONG Sze-lai
Members: Mr Brian FUNG Wei-lung
Mr Eric CHAN Cheung-wai
(Principal of Queen's College)
Ms Fiona WONG Chau-ling
(Principal of King's College)
Mr Gary GO Sik-pun
(Representative for Permanent Secretary for Education)
Treasurer: Mr Desmond LAM Yu-hang
(Representative for Director of Accounting Services)
Secretary: Ms Michelle LEE Hiu-lam
(Executive Officer, Student Finance Office)
Committee Meeting
  • The 142nd meeting will be held on 21 January 2025.  For agenda, please click here.

Minimum Level of Donation
  • A minimum donation of $487,000 (or equivalent value of shares) is required to set up a new scholarship under the Fund for the 2022/23 to 2024/25 academic years.

Further Information
  • Enquiries should be made to the Secretary, Education Scholarships Fund Committee at Room 1217, 12/F., Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, or at telephone numbers 2150 6109 / 2150 6102, or by email to