Student Loan Default Statistics*

Academic Year 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24
1. Tertiary Student Finance Scheme – Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS)
(a) No. of default cases#      
(i) No. of default cases in which the Student Finance Office (SFO) of the Agency would initiate recovery action against the defaulters and the indemnifiers concerned 965839
(ii) No. of default cases in which legal recovery action had been initiated^ 516473455
Sub-total 612531494
(b) Amount in default ($ million) 13.9012.5511.92
2. Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP)
(a) No. of default cases#      
(i) No. of default cases in which the SFO would initiate recovery action against the defaulters and the indemnifiers concerned 15910787
(ii) No. of default cases in which legal recovery action had been initiated^ 551514503
Sub-total 710621590
(b) Amount in default ($ million) 10.099.469.10
3. Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT)
(a) No. of default cases#      
(i) No. of default cases in which the SFO would initiate recovery action against the defaulters and the indemnifiers concerned 1047050
(ii) No. of default cases in which legal recovery action had been initiated^ 356332323
Sub-total 460402373
(b) Amount in default ($ million) 9.128.407.74
4. Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS)
(a) No. of default cases#      
(i) No. of default cases in which the SFO would initiate recovery action against the defaulters and the indemnifiers concerned 281194142
(ii) No. of default cases in which legal recovery action had been initiated^ 962927897
Sub-total 1 2431 1211 039
(b) Amount in default ($ million) 30.5428.5126.97
5. Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS)
(a) No. of default cases#
(i) No. of default cases in which the SFO would initiate recovery action against the defaulters and the indemnifiers concerned 340217151
(ii) No. of default cases in which legal recovery action had been initiated^ 3 0442 8642 700
Sub-total 3 3843 0812 851
(b) Amount in default ($ million) 50.9547.4344.32
(a) No. of default cases#      
(i) No. of default cases in which the SFO would initiate recovery action against the defaulters and the indemnifiers concerned 980646469
(ii) No. of default cases in which legal recovery action had been initiated^ 5 4295 1104 878
Sub-total 6 4095 7565 347
(b) Amount in default ($ million) 114.60106.35100.05

Cases with two or more consecutive overdue quarterly instalments / six or more consecutive overdue monthly instalments are regarded as default cases.


The number of default cases in the 2021/22 to 2023/24 academic years reflect the positions as at 31 July 2022, 31 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 respectively, including cases where loan borrowers started repayment in the previous academic years and the academic year concerned but are still in default as at those dates.


The figures include those cases referred to the Department of Justice and filed directly to the Small Claims Tribunal, loan borrowers had been declared bankrupt / applied for Individual Voluntary Arrangement or deferment / write-off applications were being processed by the SFO.