Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT)


The Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT) is to complement the Tertiary Student Finance Scheme – Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) to provide loans to eligible students to settle tuition fees of recognised full-time study courses.

Checklist for Submission

  • To complete the online application, please submit the following documents to the Student Finance Office (SFO) -

    • During the online application

      • (If the administrative fee is paid through the ATM or the HSBC branch) Upload the softcopy of the transaction advice, account deposit form or ATM transaction advice for administrative fee paid at "Step 5" (please refer to the "Points to Note for Paying Administrative Fee" for details).
    • Within seven calendar days from the date of submission of the application

      • (If signed on paper) the duly signed "Declaration Form": The "Declaration Form" could be downloaded from "Step 7" of the online application or from "Application Form(s) Submitted" page under the "SFO E-link – My Applications" online platform. The document is password protected. The password is the first 6 characters of your Hong Kong Identity ("HKID") Card number. If your HKID Card number is "A123456(7)", the password should be "A12345"; and
      • a copy of the HKID Card.

      For details, please refer to the "Checklist of Supporting Documents" and Part 3 of "Application Procedures".

    • For Applicants on Postgraduate (by research) Course

      • Starting from the 2018/19 academic year, the Government has provided a tuition waiver for all local full-time students enrolled in University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded Research Postgraduate (RPg) programmes. For details, please visit