Change of Information
Applicants are obliged to inform the Student Finance Office (SFO) immediately of the following changes by the specified amendment forms below –
"Notification of Change of Applicant’s Personal Particulars" form
(FASP/C/1A)Note 1"Notification of Change of Institution / Course Data" form
(FASP/C/1B)Notes 2, 3, 4Paper-base Application Electronic Application Paper-base Application Electronic Application -
Correspondence Address
Residential Address
Residential Telephone Number
Other Contact Telephone Number
Bank Account Number
Year of Study
Amount of tuition fee paid/payable
Note 1:Upon commencement of loan repayment and before full settlement of the outstanding balance of loans, interest, surcharge and any outstanding arrears, should there be subsequent changes in the loan borrower’s residential address, please notify the SFO by submitting the duly completed "Student Loan Repayment: Notification of Change of Correspondence Address and/or Telephone Number(s)"(SFO 96) (Paper-base Application / Electronic Application).
Note 2:Please withdraw / cancel your application if the new course of study is not eligible for the NLSPS. The relevant application forms are available under "Links, Forms and Download".
Note 3:If there are any changes in loan borrowers' study status once loans have been drawn down, loan borrowers must notify the SFO immediately by submitting the duly completed "Notification of Change of Study Status"(SFO303_E) (Paper-base Application / Electronic Application).
Note 4:If loan borrowers cease to be registered full-time students of locally-accredited self-financing programmes; withdraw or are suspended from or cease or defer studies; transfer from the institution where loan borrowers have borrowed the NLSPS loans to another institution; or have not completed the programme for any reasons, they should notify the SFO in writing immediately.
If applicants have previously applied for the financial assistance schemes for post-secondary and tertiary students as administered by the SFO (including Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS), Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT), Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP), NLSPS and Student Travel Subsidy for Tertiary or Post-secondary Students), their correspondence address under the above mentioned financial assistance schemes will also be updated in accordance with the correspondence address provided in their latest application for financial assistance.
Loan borrowers and/or their indemnifiers are obliged to notify the SFO in writing immediately of any change of their correspondence/residential address or other contact information, including mobile phone number, email address or fax number by submitting the duly completed "Notification of Change of Indemnifier's Personal Particulars"(FASP/IDM/INFO/E) (Paper-base Application / Electronic Application). Failure to serve timely notification of changes of information may cause delay in processing the applications and disbursing the loan(s), and extra interest expenses due to failure in communication. The SFO accepts no responsibility for any loss, charge or expense so caused.