Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS)

2152 9000


The Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) provides means-tested financial assistance in the form of grant and/or loan to eligible full-time students taking up an exclusively publicly-funded student place of a recognised post-secondary programme.


Academic Year 2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025
(as at 28 February 2025)
Student population 95 985 94 478 95 880
No. of applications
- received 19 607 18 904 17 741
- with results issued 19 607 18 904 15 947
No. of applicants
- with assistance paid 15 535 14 761 12 455
- with grant paid 15 535 14 761 12 455
- with loan offered 15 373 14 641 12 404
- with loan paid 2 797 2 990 2 327
Average amount paid^
- assistance $55,028 $56,471 $56,138
- grant $46,563 $46,744 $46,742
- loan $47,013 $48,022 $50,290
Total amount of
- grant paid^ (million) $723.36 $689.98 $582.17
- loan offered (million) $736.78 $720.35 $634.92
- loan paid^ (million) $131.50 $143.59 $117.02

Approved grant and/or loan will be paid in one or more than one instalment(s). The amount of assistance paid in 2024/25 shown in the table above does not reflect the full amount of assistance paid in the year until the 2024/25 application cycle ends.