Financial Assistance Scheme for Designated Evening Adult Education Courses (FAEAEC)

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The Financial Assistance Scheme for Designated Evening Adult Education Courses provides eligible students with financial assistance in the form of tuition fee reimbursement. Students who fulfill the prescribed criteria can obtain 30%, 50% or 100% reimbursement of the tuition fees paid after the end of each school term.


  • Students fulfilling the following criteria and attaining the abovementioned minimum attendance requirement are eligible for reimbursement of 30% of the tuition fees paid in two instalments -

    1. aged 17 or above; and
    2. attending evening secondary courses that are quality-assured and commissioned by the Education Bureau in the designated centres. For the list of designated centres run by ACPs, please visit:
  • Please note the situations under which students will not be eligible for tuition fee reimbursement -

    1. Students who have obtained tuition fee reimbursement under the Diploma of Applied Education (DAE) / Diploma Yi Jin (“DYJ”, previously known as the Yi Jin Diploma (“YJD”) or Project Yi Jin (“PYJ”) before 2012/13 School Year) programme will not be eligible for tuition fee reimbursement under FAEAEC unless they have refunded the HKSAR Government all the reimbursements obtained under the DAE/DYJ/YJD or PYJ programme.

    2. Students cannot receive financial assistance for repeating the same level of study under FAEAEC, unless they switch from other curricula to the New Senior Secondary curriculum.

    Besides, if students enroll on both the DAE/DYJ programme and the evening secondary courses provided by ACPs under FAEAEC in the same school year, they are required to choose to receive tuition fee reimbursement under either the DAE/DYJ programme or FAEAEC.

    Once the parent or legal guardian of the students submitted the “Household Application for Student Financial Assistance Schemes” and passed the means test, the SFO will issue an Eligibility Certificate (EC) indicating that the student is eligible for "FULL" or "HALF" level of assistance. Having submitted the completed EC to the student’s ACPs for verification of his/her enrolment information, the student will be reimbursed with “FULL” or “HALF” of the tuition fees paid.