Financial Assistance Schemes for Primary & Secondary Students

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The Student Finance Office administers various financial assistance schemes for needy primary and secondary students, including the School Textbook Assistance (TA) Scheme, the Student Travel Subsidy Scheme and the Subsidy Scheme for Internet Access Charges (SIA). Please click here for details of the schemes.

School Textbook Assistance Scheme

School Textbook Assistance Scheme
Summary of Statistics
2022/2023 2023/2024 2024/2025
(as at 28.2.2025)
No. of Student-applications Processed 201 049 192 466  180 916
No. of Successful Student-applicants 193 737 184 258 172 807
Primary 97 980 91 563 83 232
Half grant 42 108 41 607 39 043
Full grant 55 872 49 956 44 189
Secondary 95 757 92 695 89 575
Half grant 36 033 36 280 35 872
Full grant 59 724 56 415 53 703
Grant Rates
P1 - P6 $5,726 $5,804 $6,004
S1 - S3 $6,012 $6,100 $6,204
S4 $6,108 $6,108 $6,184
S5 $5,304 $5,594 $5,612
S6 $3,506 $3,522 $3,560
Total Amount of Subsidy Disbursed (million) $875.1 $834.6 $794.3
Average Amount of Subsidy Disbursed $4,517 $4,529 $4,596