Diploma of Applied Education (DAE) / Diploma Yi Jin (DYJ) Tuition Fee Reimbursement

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DAE / DYJ tuition fee reimbursement provides students with financial assistance in the form of tuition fee reimbursement. Students who fulfill the prescribed eligibility criteria can obtain 30%, 50% or 100% reimbursement of the tuition fees paid after the end of each school year.


Diploma of Applied Education / Diploma Yi Jin - Tuition Fee Reimbursement
Summary of Statistics
2021/2022 2022/2023 2023/2024
(as at 28.2.2025)
Number of Applications Received 6194 6219 6460
Number of Successful Student-applicants 6194 6219 6460
Full fee reimbursement 1147 1111 990
Half fee reimbursement 563 512 487
30% fee reimbursement 4484 4596 4983
Total Amount of Assistance Disbursed (million dollars) $70.93 $69.16 $72.72
Average Amount of Assistance Disbursed $11,451 $11,120 $11,257
Median Amount of Assistance Disbursed $7,967.4 $8,429.4 $9,105.6