Other Users (Not existing E-service Users)

If you are other users (i.e. not existing e-service users), please follow the below steps to create an account:
Step (1): On the landing page of the "eWFSFAA", click "Create New Account".

Step (2): Please select "No" if you do not have “iAM Smart”.

You will be redirected to the “Create New Account” page.
Step (3): Please select the appropriate Identity Document Type.
Step (4): Please input the Identity Document Number.
Step (5): Please input your mobile phone number.
Step (6): Please enter the "Captcha". If you cannot read the "Captcha", please click the "Audio Captcha " to get the Captcha codes.
Step (7): Click "Submit".

Step (8): Input a six-digit one-time password (OTP) received by your mobile phone for verification, then click “Submit”.

Step (9) (only applicable to the existing e-services users): If you are the existing e-services users, the e-services you have used before will be listed on the “Identity Verification” page. You can log in to the e-service platform through the link provided to verify your identity and link up the relevant account. For details, please refer to the online demonstration of “Existing E-service Users”.
If you are other users (i.e. not existing e-service users), you will be redirected to the next step directly.

Step (10): Please set a new username. The username format should consist of 5 to 20 alphanumeric characters without blank character or symbols, except full stop (.) and hyphen (-).
Step (11): Please set a new password. The password format should be at least 10 characters long, and contain at least one uppercase letter (A to Z), one lowercase letter (a to z), one number (0 to 9) and one symbol (@, #, $, %, ^, & and*).
Step (12): Please confirm the password.
Step (13): Click "Submit".

Step (14): Please fill in your English name.
Step (15): Please fill in your Chinese name (if applicable).
Step (16): Please fill in the date of birth or click the "Date Picker " to select the date of birth.
Step (17): Please fill in your email address.
Step (18): Please select the “Main Communication Channel”.
Step (19): Please select “Language Setting”.
Step (20): Click "Submit".

Step (21): Input a six-digit OTP received via email for verification, then click "Submit".

Step (22): Please scroll down to read all the terms of use.
Step (23): Please tick the check box to confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms of use.
Step (24): Click "Confirm".

After creating an account, you will be redirected to the dashboard of the “eWFSFAA”.

If you are other users (i.e. not existing e-service users), please follow the below steps to create an account:
Step (1): On the landing page of the "eWFSFAA", click "Create New Account".

Step (2): Please select "No" if you do not have “iAM Smart”.

You will be redirected to the “Create New Account” page.
Step (3): Please select the appropriate Identity Document Type.
Step (4): Please input the Identity Document Number.
Step (5): Please input your mobile phone number.
Step (6): Please enter the "Captcha". If you cannot read the "Captcha", please click the "Audio Captcha " to get the Captcha codes.
Step (7): Click "Submit".

Step (8): Input a six-digit one-time password (OTP) received by your mobile phone for verification, then click “Submit”.

Step (9) (only applicable to the existing e-services users): If you are the existing e-services users, the e-services you have used before will be listed on the “Identity Verification” page. You can log in to the e-service platform through the link provided to verify your identity and link up the relevant account. For details, please refer to the online demonstration of “Existing E-service Users”.
If you are other users (i.e. not existing e-service users), you will be redirected to the next step directly.

Step (10): Please set a new username. The username format should consist of 5 to 20 alphanumeric characters without blank character or symbols, except full stop (.) and hyphen (-).
Step (11): Please set a new password. The password format should be at least 10 characters long, and contain at least one uppercase letter (A to Z), one lowercase letter (a to z), one number (0 to 9) and one symbol (@, #, $, %, ^, & and*).
Step (12): Please confirm the password.
Step (13): Click "Submit".

Step (14): Please fill in your English name.
Step (15): Please fill in your Chinese name (if applicable).
Step (16): Please fill in the date of birth or click the "Date Picker " to select the date of birth.
Step (17): Please fill in your email address.
Step (18): Please select the “Main Communication Channel”.
Step (19): Please select “Language Setting”.
Step (20): Click "Submit".

Step (21): Input a six-digit OTP received via email for verification, then click "Submit".

Step (22): Please scroll down to read all the terms of use.
Step (23): Please tick the check box to confirm that you have read and agreed to the terms of use.
Step (24): Click "Confirm".

After creating an account, you will be redirected to the dashboard of the “eWFSFAA”.