Forgot Password

Image 1

Step (1): Click "Forgot Password" on the "eWFSFAA" landing page.

Image 2

Step (2): Please select the "Identity Document Type".
Step (3): Please enter the "Identity Document Number".
Step (4): Please enter "Username".
Step (5): Please enter "Mobile Phone No.".
Step (6): Please enter "Email Address".
Step (7): Please enter the "Captcha". If you cannot read the "Captcha", please click the "Audio Captcha Audio Captcha" to get the Captcha codes.
Step (8): Please click “Confirm”.

Image 3

Step (9): Input a six-digit one-time password (OTP) received by your mobile phone for verification, then click "Submit".

Image 4

Step (10): Please set a new password. Password format should be at least 10 characters long, and contain at least one uppercase letter (A to Z), one lowercase letter (a to z), one number (0 to 9) and one symbol (@, #, $, %, ^, & and *).
Step (11): Please confirm the new password.
Step (12): Please click “Reset”.

Image 5

Step (13): A message "Password has been reset" will be displayed. Please click "Confirm".

You will be redirected back to the landing page. Please log in to the ”eWFSFAA” with your new password.

Image 1

Step (1): Click "Forgot Password" on the "eWFSFAA" landing page.

Image 2

Step (2): Please select the "Identity Document Type".
Step (3): Please enter the "Identity Document Number".
Step (4): Please enter "Username".
Step (5): Please enter "Mobile Phone No.".
Step (6): Please enter "Email Address".
Step (7): Please enter the "Captcha". If you cannot read the "Captcha", please click the "Audio Captcha Audio Captcha" to get the Captcha codes.
Step (8): Please click “Confirm”.

Image 3

Step (9): Input a six-digit one-time password (OTP) received by your mobile phone for verification, then click "Submit".

Image 4

Step (10): Please set a new password. Password format should be at least 10 characters long, and contain at least one uppercase letter (A to Z), one lowercase letter (a to z), one number (0 to 9) and one symbol (@, #, $, %, ^, & and *).
Step (11): Please confirm the new password.
Step (12): Please click “Reset”.

Image 5

Step (13): A message "Password has been reset" will be displayed. Please click "Confirm".

You will be redirected back to the landing page. Please log in to the ”eWFSFAA” with your new password.