院校 | 網址 | 查詢電話 |
Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Limited - Continuing and Adult Retraining Education Community College 香港仔街坊福利會有限公司 - 持續及成人進修社區學院 | https://www.aka.org.hk/ | 2518-0978 |
AD-Linkage Limited | https://www.ad-linkage.com/ | 2910-7028 |
Advanced Contemporary Education Centre 動向教育中心 | - | 2980-3200 |
American Canadian Approach Education Center 美加式教育中心 | http://www.ace-english.hk | 2780-2398 |
Asian Academy for Sports and Fitness Professionals Limited 亞洲運動及體適能專業學院有限公司 | https://aasfp.hk/index.php/hk/ | 2578-9877 |
Asian Gemmological Institute and Laboratory Limited 亞洲寶石學院及鑑定所有限公司 | http://www.agil.com.hk/tc/index.php | 2723-0429 |
Baron's School of Music Ltd. 伯樂音樂學院有限公司 | https://bsm.com.hk/ | 2980-3668 |
Be Positive Education Centre 正向教育中心 | https://www.bepositive.edu.hk | 2116-3060 |
Beacon (Evening) College (Mong Kok) 遵理夜校(旺角) | https://www.beacon.com.hk/ | 2474-4267 |
Beauty Expert International Academy 美容專家國際學院 | http://www.beautyexpertacademy.com/app.php?a=lang&i=1 | 2510-1306 |
Bridal and Event Academy | - | 3702-0768 |
Caritas Bianchi College of Careers 明愛白英奇專業學校 | https://www.cbcc.edu.hk/tc/ | 3702-4388 |
Caritas Institute of Community Education 明愛社區書院 | https://www.cice.edu.hk/default.aspx | 3074-4233 |
City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學 | https://www.cityu.edu.hk/zh-hk | 3442-7654 |
Clothing Industry Training Authority 製衣業訓練局 | https://www.cita.org.hk/zh-hant/ | 2263-6300 |
CMM Monita Academy Limited 蒙妮坦學院有限公司 | https://www.monitaacademy.com | 2739-8833 |
Coffee Lover Limited 鍾情咖啡有限公司 | - | 3149-9028 |
Computer Academy | https://www.computeracademy.com.hk/ | 2838-6687 |
Container Transportation Employees General Union (Programme Department) 貨櫃運輸業職工總會(課程部) | - | 2780-0381 |
CORE Yoga & Barre Academy | https://www.coreyogahk.com/ryt200teachertraining.html | 6991-2470 |
Dai-ichi Japanese Language and Culture School 第一日語暨文化學校 | https://daiichi-school.edu.hk/ | 2116-8719 |
Diving Adventure Education Limited 潛水歷險教育有限公司 | https://www.divinghk.com/locale/zh-CHT/ | 2572-2138 |
EDC Languages Ltd 英拓語言有限公司 | - | 2528-5200 |
Education, Training & Development Centre, The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf 香港聾人福利促進會-教育、培訓及發展中心 | https://www.deaf.org.hk/ch/ | 2711-3134 |
EF Language Solutions Hong Kong Limited | https://www.ef.com.hk/ec/ | 3113-3583 |
Elite Makeup | http://www.elitemakeup.hk | 2369-9929 |
Excel Pro Education Limited | https://www.ExcelProEdu.com.hk | 3702-0208 |
Feva Works IT Education Centre 科域資訊教育中心 | https://www.fevaworks.com/ | 3106-8211 |
Fo Guang Vihara Hong Kong Limited 香港佛光道場有限公司 | - | 3110-9000 |
FQ Coaching Limited 財商教練有限公司 | - | 5128-5433 |
French Institutes Beauty Academy 法國專業美容學院 | https://www.fiba.com.hk/index.php?lang=1 | 2577-0505 |
FTU Employment Development Service Ltd 工聯會職業發展服務處有限公司 | https://www.hkftustsc.org | 2715-6671 |
Glow Makeup Academy | - | 2836-6553 |
Goethe-Institut Hong Kong 歌德學院 | https://www.goethe.de/ins/hon/cn/index.html | 2829-9914 |
Grand Aesthetic Academy 格蘭專業美容學院 | - | 2110-1669 |
Grandway International Education Limited 富嘉國際教育有限公司 | https://www.grandwaycourse.com | 3709-6113 |
Gratia Christian College 宏恩基督教學院 | https://www.gcc.edu.hk/zh/ | 5804-4140 |
Great Learning Education Centre 匯智豐教育中心 | https://www.greatlearning.edu.hk/ | 3580-1908 |
Great Learning Education Centre Limited 匯智豐教育中心有限公司 | - | 3620-3360 |
Haven of Hope Christian Service 基督教靈實協會 | https://hohcs.org.hk/ | 2643-3120 |
Hi-Me Transformation Limited 喂我實現工程有限公司 | https://www.hi-me.com/ | 2881-0787 |
HKPC Academy of the Hong Kong Productivity Council 香港生產力促進局生產力學院 | https://www.hkpcacademy.org/ | 2788-5923 |
HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education 香港大學專業進修學院 | https://hkuspace.hku.hk/cht/ | 3762-6262 |
Hong Kong Adventist College 香港三育書院 | https://www.hkac.edu | 2719-1668 |
Hong Kong Ballroom Dancing Council Limited 香港標準舞總會有限公司 | https://www.dance.com.hk/ | 2541-6215 |
Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學 | https://www.hkbu.edu.hk/zh_hk.html | 3411-7400 |
Hong Kong College of Engineering 香港設施工程學院 | https://www.tdpedu.org | 2687-1208 |
Hong Kong College of Technology 香港專業進修學校 | https://www.hkct.edu.hk/tc | 2926-1222 |
Hong Kong Community College, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學香港專上學院 | https://www.hkcc-polyu.edu.hk/tc/home/index.html | 3746-0900 |
Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees General Union 香港建造業總工會 | - | 2388-6887 |
Hong Kong Ecotourism & Travels Professional Training Centre 香港生態旅遊專業培訓中心 | https://www.ettc.hk/ | 2116-1971 |
Hong Kong Effective Careers Institute 精英專業學校 | http://www.eci.edu.hk | 2380-8285 |
Hong Kong Employment Development Service Limited 香港職業發展服務處有限公司 | http://hkeds.org | 2326-6805 |
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants 香港會計師公會 | http://www.hkicpa.org.hk | 2287-7001 |
Hong Kong Institute of Education for Sustainable Development 香港可持續發展教育學院 | https://hiesd.org/wp/hk | 2312-7696 |
Hong Kong Institute of Gerontology 香港老年學學院 | https://www.hkag.org/ | 2775-5756 |
Hong Kong Institute of Professional Studies 香港國際專業學院 | - | 2116-3034 |
Hong Kong Institute of Technology 香港科技專上書院 | https://www.hkit.edu.hk/tchk/main.php | 2782-2433 |
Hong Kong M.C. Association Limited 香港司儀演藝協會有限公司 | http://hkmcnet.com | 2332-0408 |
Hong Kong Metropolitan University 香港都會大學 | https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/tc/ | 2711-2100 |
Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education 香港能仁專上學院 | https://www.ny.edu.hk/home | 3996-1000 |
Hong Kong Pet Groomer Association 香港寵物美容師協會 | https://www.hkdog.com | 6598-3084 |
Hong Kong Professional Putonghua School 香港專業普通話學校 | - | 3579-2811 |
Hong Kong School of Commerce 香港商業專科學校 | https://hksc.edu.hk | 2730-5653 |
Hong Kong School of Design 香港設計學院 | - | 2388-0017 |
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lady MacLehose Centre (Integrated Career Development Service) 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心(就業發展綜合服務) | - | 2381-8500 |
Hong Kong Shue Yan University 香港樹仁大學 | https://www.hksyu.edu/tc/home | 2570-7110 |
Hong Kong Vocational Skills Training School 香港職業技能專科學校 | - | 3956-2310 |
HPHI Education Limited 專業心理治療及催眠應用(香港)有限公司 | https://www.hk-hphi.com/courses/cef-nlp-qf-level-3 | 3500-7168 |
i-TotalSecurity Consulting Limited | http://www.i-totalsecurity.net | 2965-4445 |
IAM UAS Solutions | https://www.iam.org.hk | 2838-3882 |
Informatics Education (HK) Limited 英華美教育(香港)有限公司 | https://www.informatics.edu.hk/ | 3556-6000 |
Integral Spiritual Psychology Training Institute Limited 整合靈性心理學培訓學院有限公司 | https://ispti.hk/ | 3575-3911 |
INVIS Cycling 形動單車 | - | 3543-0033 |
Japan Permanent Makeup Institute 日本持久美妝學院 | https://jpmi.com.hk | 6117-1187 |
Jenny Beauty College 珍妮美容藝術學院 | https://www.jennybeauty.com.hk/tc | 3428-8280 |
Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation 賽馬會新生精神康復學院 | https://www.nlpra.org.hk | 3552-5290 |
Kaplan Financial (HK) Limited | https://www.kaplan.com.hk/ | 2526-3686 |
Kaplan Higher Education (HK) Limited 楷博高等教育有限公司 | https://www.kaplan.com.hk/ | 2836-0332 |
KCRA Community Education Enhancement Center Limited 葵協社區教育拓展中心有限公司 | https://www.kcra.org.hk/ | 2780-9293 |
Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學知識轉移及創業處 | https://www.polyu.edu.hk/kteo/ | 3400-2929 |
Kornerstone Limited 格納思通有限公司 | https://www.kornerstone.com/ | 2116-3328 |
Lee Kin Driving School Limited 李健駕駛學校有限公司 | https://leekin.com.hk/index.php?lang=zh-tw | 2390-2666 / 2577-9921 |
Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education, Hong Kong Metropolitan University 香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院 | https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/lipace/tc/ | 3120-9988 |
Life Enrich Limited 色彩生活有限公司 | https://www.life-enrich.com | 2332-8400 |
Lingnan Institute of Further Education 嶺南大學持續進修學院 | https://www.ln.edu.hk/cht/life | 2616-8274 |
Lingnan University 嶺南大學 | https://www.ln.edu.hk/cht/ | 2616-8888 |
Lion Training Centre Limited 雄獅培訓中心有限公司 | - | 2793-5335 |
Llegend International Training Institute 勵進國際培訓學院 | https://llegendgroup.com | 3563-5631 |
Luster Beauty International Education and Training Academy 閃耀美容國際教育及培訓學院 | https://lbacademy.com.hk/ | 9548-8600 / 3583-1687 |
Magna Education Center 智權教育中心 | - | 2155-1133 |
Metro Education Center 高迪教育中心 | - | 3565-6724 |
Modern Education (Hong Kong) Limited 現代教育(香港)有限公司 | - | 2256-3333 |
My Dream Education Centre 我的理想教育中心 | - | 2866-6062 |
Nikkei Japanese Language School 日經日本語學校 | http://www.nikkei.edu.hk | 2770-0993 |
NLP Academy Limited | https://www.nlp.hk/ | 2377-0398 |
Occupational Safety & Health Management Institute 職業安全健康管理研究中心 | https://oshmi.org/ | 2786-9009 |
Outward Bound Hong Kong 香港外展訓練學校 | https://www.outwardbound.org.hk/zh/ | 2792-4333 |
Pasona Education Co Limited | https://www.pasona.edu.hk/tc/ | 2577-8002 |
Penasia School of Continuing Education 盈亞持續教育中心 | https://www.penasia.edu.hk/ | 2529-6138 |
Per Face Institute Limited 柏菲思醫美教育學院有限公司 | https://perfaceinstitute.com | 2881-9113 |
Pets Central Veterinary Academy Limited | - | 2845-2052 |
Po Leung Kuk Academy of Professional Education 保良局專業教育書院 | https://www.plkacademy.edu.hk/ | 2130-3622 |
Prime English Learning Centre | - | 2866-9290 |
Pro Tree Foundation Limited 樹木拓展基金有限公司 | - | 6098-3209 |
Professional School of Enneagram Limited 九型人格專業學院 | - | 6290-7687 |
Professional Services Division (OSH Training Administration), Occupational Safety and Health Council 職業安全健康局轄下專業服務部(職業安全健康課程管理) | https://www.oshc.org.hk/tchi/main/index.html | 2311-3322 3106-2000 |
Professional Training Association 專才培訓協會 | http://www.ptahk.com | 2301-9878 |
Royal International College 皇家國際教育學院 | https://www.royalintercollege.com | 2369-7368 |
SAVFX Animation and Visual Effects Education Limited 銅馬動畫及視覺特效教育有限公司 | - | 6505-8035 |
School of Continuing and Professional Education, City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學專業進修學院 | https://www.scope.edu | 3442-7423 |
School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學專業進修學院 | https://www.scs.cuhk.edu.hk/tc | 2209-0290 |
School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學持續教育學院 | https://www.sce.hkbu.edu.hk/tc/ | 3411-5000 |
School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學設計學院 | https://www.polyu.edu.hk/sd | 2766-5454 |
School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學酒店及旅遊業管理學院 | https://shtm.polyu.edu.hk | 3400-2200 |
School of Nursing, Union Hospital 仁安醫院護士訓練學校 | https://www.union.org/nursingschool | 2608-6740 |
School of Professional Education and Executive Development, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學專業進修學院 | https://www.speed-polyu.edu.hk/tc | 3400-2828 |
Sharing and Giving Community Education Centre 社區共享教育中心 | - | 2886-2700 |
Sino College 尚華書院 | - | 2314-3221 |
Sino Institute of Continuing Education Limited | - | 2314-9222 |
Six Sigma Institute Ltd 六式碼學會有限公司 | https://www.sixsigmainstitute.org/?lang=zh-tw | 2581-2771 |
Smart Education (International) Limited 敏思教育(國際)有限公司 | - | 9412-5508 |
SME Education Centre 中小企教育中心 | - | 5285-9092 |
Social Enterprise Limited 社會企業有限公司 | https://www.se-ngo.org | 2111-0835 |
St James' Settlement Continued Education Center 聖雅各福群會延續教育中心 | https://www.sjsmile.com/ | 2117-5814 |
Star Chef Management School 星廚管理學校 | https://www.starchef.edu.hk/?lang=1 | 2388-3000 |
SungLee Korean Language School 勝利韓語學校 | https://www.slkorean.com | 2577-7327 |
Swang Technology Limited 士弘科技有限公司 | https://learnmore.com.hk | 2662-6333 |
TCHK 香港樹木學會 | https://treeclimbing.hk/ | 6921-9723 |
Tech on Fire Limited 點起科技有限公司 | https://techonfire.com.hk | 6796-6377 |
TEH TEH Limited | https://www.firstfootprint.com.hk | 3709-8450 |
The Association of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited 機電工程協會(香港)有限公司 | https://www.emhk.org | 2332-7279 |
The British Council 英國文化協會 | https://www.britishcouncil.hk | 2632-9800 |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 | https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/chinese/index.html | 3943-7000 |
The Federation of Hong Kong & Kowloon Labour Unions 港九勞工社團聯會 | https://www.hkflu.edu.hk | 2787-9967 |
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong 香港恒生大學 | https://www.hsu.edu.hk/hk/ | 3963-5563 |
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 香港演藝學院 | https://www.hkapa.edu/tch | 2584-8721 |
The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Continuous Learning Centre 香港青年協會持續進修中心 | https://clc.hkfyg.org.hk/ | 2130-4000 |
The Hong Kong Health Care Federation Limited 香港醫護學會有限公司 | https://www.healthcare.org.hk/default.aspx | 2575-5600 |
The Hong Kong Institute of Gemmology | http://www.hkgems.com.hk/cn/ | 2815-1880 |
The Hong Kong Institute of Security Limited 香港保安學會有限公司 | https://www.hkios.hk | 9338-1281 |
The Hong Kong Management Association 香港管理專業協會 | http://www.hkma.org.hk | 2774-8500 |
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學 | https://www.polyu.edu.hk/tc/ | 2333-0600 |
The Hong Kong Safety Training Association 香港安全培訓會 | - | 8202-1515 |
The Hong Kong School of Motoring Limited 香港駕駛學院有限公司 | https://www.hksm.com.hk/tc/home/ | 2866-6676 |
The Hong Kong Swimming Teachers' Association Limited 香港游泳教師總會有限公司 | https://www.hksta.com.hk | 2147-0611 |
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大學 | https://hkust.edu.hk/zh-hant | 3469-2041 |
The IGDS/IMDS Administration Unit, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | https://www.polyu.edu.hk/igds | 2766-6624 2766-6625 |
The Institute of Chinese Jingjinke Professionalism 中華經筋醫學院 | - | 2781-1081 |
The Investopedia Institute of Hong Kong Limited 香港投資商學院有限公司 | https://www.iihk.org | 2153-3199 |
The University of Hong Kong 香港大學 | https://www.hku.hk/c_index.html | 2859-2111 |
Todaimae Language Centre 東大前語言研習社 | https://www.todaimae.com | 3176-7108 |
Tokyou Japanese Education Centre 東大日本語教育中心 | http://www.tu-japanese.com.hk | 2398-8111 |
Tung Wah College 東華學院 | https://www.twc.edu.hk/tc/index.php | 3190-6678 |
UNiSOFT Education Centre | http://www.uec.edu.hk | 2136-1234 |
United Charter Consultancy Limited 聚研顧問有限公司 | - | 9257-7032 |
Universal College of Higher Education 環球專上書院 | https://www.uche.edu.hk/tc | 3580-8918 |
UOW College Hong Kong 香港伍倫貢學院 | https://www.uowchk.edu.hk | 2707-4669 |
Vassar International Chinese Medical Society Limited 華夏國際中醫學會有限公司 | https://www.vassaricms.org/ | 3114-0199 |
Vocational Training Council 職業訓練局 | https://www.vtc.edu.hk/html/tc/ | 2836-1922 |
Wall Street English | https://www.wallstreet.edu.hk/web/ | 2575-6888 |
Welkin Computer Training | https://welkin.com.hk/?lang=zh-hant | 2332-2302 / 2801-7754 |
Yan Oi Tong Jockey Club Training Centre 仁愛堂賽馬會培訓中心 | https://yes.yot.org.hk | 2155-2068 |
Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education Limited 耀中幼教學院有限公司 | https://www.yccece.edu.hk/tc | 3977-9877 |
YMCA College of Careers 青年會專業書院 | https://coc.cymca.edu.hk/ | 2783-3500 / 2783-3509 |
YMCA College of Continuing Education (Evening) 港青專業進修書院 (夜校) | http://ymcahkcollege.edu.hk/index.htm | 2268-7733 |
Youth Centre of The True Word Lutheran Church 路德會真道堂青年中心 | http://www.trueword.org.hk | 2364-2472 2367-1111 |