Working Family Allowance Scheme


The Working Family Allowance (WFA) Scheme encourages self-reliance and eases inter-generational poverty. Applications under the WFA Scheme are made on a household basis (including singleton households). A household meeting the working hour requirements, income and asset limits may apply for a Basic Allowance, Medium Allowance or Higher Allowance. Each eligible child may also be eligible for a Child Allowance. Depending on the household income, the allowances may be granted at full rate, 3/4 rate or half rate.

Amounts of Allowances

  • Depending on household income, the Basic Allowance, the Medium Allowance, the Higher Allowance and the Child Allowance may be granted at full rate, 3/4 rate or half rate.

    Total Monthly Working Hours (Hours) Monthly Allowance for Each Household Monthly Child Allowance for Each Child

    144 to less than 168
    (non-single-parent households)

    36 to less than 54
    (single-parent households1)
    Full-rate Basic Allowance: $1,150
    3/4-rate Basic Allowance: $863
    Half-rate Basic Allowance: $575
    Full-rate Child Allowance: $1,610
    3/4-rate Child Allowance: $1,208
    Half-rate Child Allowance: $805

    168 to less than 192
    (non-single-parent households)

    54 to less than 72
    (single-parent households1)
    Full-rate Medium Allowance: $1,380
    3/4-rate Medium Allowance: $1,035
    Half-rate Medium Allowance: $690

    192 or more
    (non-single-parent households)

    72 or more
    (single-parent households1)
    Full-rate Higher Allowance: $1,610
    3/4-rate Higher Allowance: $1,208
    Half-rate Higher Allowance: $805

A working single parent applicant (including a guardian) has to live with at least one child aged below 15.