Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS)

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The Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS) provides loans to eligible students to settle tuition fees of specific post-secondary/continuing and professional education courses studied in Hong Kong.

Frequently Asked Questions

Notes on Application
What is the level of life-time loan limit under the Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS) for the 2024/25 academic year?
The life-time loan limit under the ENLS is HK$406,700 for the 2024/25 academic year. Please refer to Maximum Loan Amount and Lifetime Loan Limit for details.
Am I eligible for applying for the ENLS?

Please refer to Eligibility for the eligibility of ENLS.

For Students of Hong Kong Metropolitan University, please refer to ENLS 202 (AUT2024) or ENLS 202 (SUM2024) for the application procedures, deadlines and loan disbursement arrangements.

Is my course covered by the ENLS?
Please refer to the List of Eligible Courses for details of the Eligible Courses covered by ‘ENLS’.
What is the deadline for application of the ENLS?
The deadline for application of the 2024/25 academic year is 31 July 2025 and subject to all the lectures of courses under application of the 2024/25 academic year have not been completed at the time of application submission. Please refer to the Application Deadline.

For Students of Hong Kong Metropolitan University, please refer to ENLS 202 (AUT2024) or ENLS 202 (SUM2024) for the application procedure, deadlines and loan payment arrangement.
How much can I borrow under the ENLS?
The maximum amount of loan which applicants may borrow is the total tuition fee(s) payable in the 2024/25 academic year, provided that the amount should not exceed an aggregate of 12 months' tuition fee(s) payable and the life-time loan limit or its remaining balance. Please refer to the maximum amount of loan and the life-time loan limit .
Is it necessary for students of Diploma of Applied Educatoin / Diploma Yi Jin to apply for the ENLS before registration?
For students who wish to settle the tuition fee themselves, there is no need for them to submit ENLS application.

If applicants would like to apply for the ENLS, they may choose to settle the first instalment of their tuition fee first so as to secure their place and avoid any delay in their enrolment process. Please refer to Diploma of Applied Education / Diploma Yi Jin Application reminder.
Interest Rate and Administration Fee
When should I pay the administrative fee for the ENLS?
Administrative fee is chargeable upon submission of application and annually thereafter until the ENLS loan and the interest accrued thereon are fully repaid. Please refer to Interest Rate and Administration Fee .
How much is the administrative fee of the ENLS for the 2024/25 academic year?
The current administrative fee for the ENLS is HK$216 or HK$296. Administrative fee is chargeable upon submission of application and annually thereafter until the ENLS loan and the interest accrued thereon are fully repaid. For details, please refer to Interest and Administration Fees.

*The amount covers an administrative fee of HK$216 payable to the Government and a one-off handling charge of HK$80 for each application payable to applicants' institution.
How do I pay the administrative fee for applying the ENLS?
Please refer to the "Points to Note for Paying Administrative Fee" on the methods to pay the administrative fee.
What is the prevailing interest rate of the ENLS?

For the prevailing ENLS interest rate, please refer to the "ENLS Admininstrative Fee and Interest Rate".

When does interest of the Extended Non-means-tested Loan start to accrue?
Interest is charged at the prevailing ENLS interest rate once the loan is drawn down and throughout the repayment period until the ENLS loan is fully repaid. Please refer to Interest and Administration Fees.
Application Procedures
How to submit an application for the ENLS?
Applicants can submit the online application forms through ‘SFO E-link – My Applications’, and submit the loan/ supporting documents to the SFO by mail or through the drop-in boxes. Please refer to Application Procedure for details.
How to find the link-up code for registration of the E-link – My Bills service when I apply for the ENLS?
After submitting applicants' ENLS application, a copy of ‘Points to Note for SFO E-Link ‘My Bills’ Service Registration’ containing the link-up code, together with the acknowledgement letter, will be issued to applicants. Applicants should notify their SFO case-processing officer after successful registration of the service.
Notification of Result and Payment Arrangements
When will I be notified of the result of my eligibility of the ENLS application?
If the information applicants provide is complete with all the required documents submitted in order and the programme(s)/course(s) pursued is/are already included in the Register of Eligible Courses under the ENLS, applicants may normally be notified by mail of the result within three weeks from the date of submission of complete information.

Processing time of the application will be longer under the following circumstances:
  1. The information provided is incomplete or discrepancies in the supporting documents provided are found;
  2. The information provided requires clarification by their institution or other government departments or organisations; and
  3. The applications involve undischarged bankrupts or subject persons of Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA).
Please refer to ‘Notification of Result’ for details.
What are the payment methods of my ENLS application?
If applicant's loan application is approved, the 1st instalment loan will normally be paid within 3 weeks upon the date of approval. Please refer to Payment Arrangement.
Course providers
Are course providers required to apply for registration of their course(s) under the ENLS?
With the exception of institutions with self-accreditation status or Programme Area Accreditation status granted by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), all course providers have to apply to SFO for registration of their courses. For details, please refer to the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) webpage.
How do course providers apply to the SFO for amendment(s) to eligible course(s) under the ENLS?
Course providers not having the self-accreditation status or Programme Area Accreditation status should complete, sign and submit to SFO the ‘Course Amendment Form for an Eligible Course under the ENLS’ which is available for download at the WFSFAA webpage. It is important that the proposed amendment(s) should not be effected prior to receiving the written agreement to the amendment(s) from the SFO.